Really useful Chrome Extensions for Salesforce users | Wycado Consulting - Salesforce Experts

Really useful Chrome Extensions for Salesforce users

Really useful Chrome Extensions for Salesforce users

There are some very useful Chrome extensions for Salesforce users. Here are a few that I use and have found to be great tools.

1. Logins – This is ideal for people that have to log into many different Orgs. You save your Org login information into the extension, and group them any way you need. The free version handles 10 Orgs, but the paid, which costs a few bucks, handles an unlimited number of Orgs. Plus, it will allow you to log into a sandbox by default if you wish.

2. Enhance Salesforce Dashboard – this handy little guy is free, and it auto-refreshes any dashboard that you are looking at.

3. Salesforce Inspector – Quickly view field information directly from a record detail page, edit page or a VisualForce page. Tired of having to go thru Setup to find API names of fields? This does it.

Try these out. I’ve found them to save me the one thing I can’t get more of: time.