Salesforce Blog - Tips and More | Wycado Consulting - Salesforce Experts

Wycado Blog

Tips, Info, and News on all things Salesforce

July 13, 2024

Salesforce closes a security loophole

I always found it interesting that Salesforce has had a glaring security issue regarding Global Search for as long as I’ve been using it. Let’s say […]
April 18, 2024

Automate This! Flow Demo

I had the pleasure to attend the Salesforce Automate This! show this week with the wonderful Jen Lee. I demonstrated a record-triggered Flow (simple) that uses […]
March 20, 2024

By Popular Demand- Flow Boot Camp

I have been teaching the two-day, 10-hour Flow Academy and Flow Advanced Academy for almost 3 years. I have had hundreds of students, and a common […]
November 2, 2023

Key Flow Updates Winter ’24

I’ve posted a video of two new extremely valuable updates to Flow – Custom Errors and Reactive Components. Plus a bonus of Flow history. The video […]
December 19, 2022

Spring ’23 Update

Using a Lookup in Flow has been crazily difficult since Flow’s inception. Looking up a user? You might think you would use the UserId as a […]
November 10, 2022

December 1 & 2 Flow Class

I had to shut down registration for this class because I want to keep class size to about 10. I opened up January dates for the […]
May 14, 2021

Updating Your Salesforce Cert Badges

Salesforce has update Certification badges. But if you ask Salesforce where to get them, they will direct you to find the email that you were sent […]